CSID Monthly Lecture Series

Speakers: Fatma Benli and Ayse Basibüy


The Center for the Study of Islam & Democracy (CSID) held a Lecture on: HUMAN RIGHTS FOR WOMEN WITH HEADSCARVES IN TURKEY (Introduction by Merve Kavakci – former Member of Turkish Parliament) on Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2007.
click here.

To watch a recording of the event, please

AKDER ( is an organization in Turkey which was
established in order to prevent any type of discrimination and
violation of human rights specifically committed against women’s
personal rights, (education, working and to get a career); and to
promote social awareness regarding these issues.
About the Speakers:
Fatma Benli is the vice president of AKDER (Women’s Rights
Organization against Discrimination). She is an attorney at law
and has got over one thousand clients who were dismissed from
universities and civil service. She also can not attend trials.
Her reports about headscarf ban and laws concerning women’s
rights in Turkey and honor killing have been quoted
Dr. Ayse Basibüyük studied medicine at Hacettepe University in
Ankara/Turkey and at Vienna University in Austria. She is
currently pursuing two doctoral programs in Psychiatry and in
political sciences at Vienna University. Her doctoral
dissertation in psychiatry is about chronic pelvic pain in first
generation Turkish immigrant women living in Vienna. Her second
doctoral research is on the international migration of Turkish
students with headscarves with a specific focus on the gender
aspects of the migration theories.
